Baby + 1 親子クラス:
たくさんのアクティビティを取り入れ、歌や絵本などを通じて英語に触れていきます。 英語が苦手な保護者の方でも一緒に楽しめるレッスン内容です。
Preschool 未就学児:
Our preschoolers are awesome! They write their names, they sing and dance to a range of English songs, and they learn new vocabulary and even grammar every month through fun games and activities.
Elementary Grades 1 & 2 小学1・2年生:
Once students enter grade school, there may be less singing, but there is a whole lot more serious learning and we still have fun! From simple self-introductions to reading skills through phonics instruction, our first and second graders work hard to understand written and spoken English.
Elementary Grades 3 & 4 小学3・4年生:
Our third and fourth graders are so great to teach- not only can they cover more interesting grammar while still playing the games of their childhood, but their comprehension, writing and confidence improves every week!
Elementary Grades 5 & 6 小学5・6年生:
Naturally, our fifth and sixth graders regularly study junior high level English grammar. While widening their vocabulary they perfect their reading, writing, listening and speaking abilities, knowing they’ll do well come junior high.
Junior High 中学生クラス:
これまでの総復習をしながら、個人に合わせた形で柔軟に対応しており、教室での対面レッスンの他、部活動や塾などで通う事が難しい方はオンラインレッスンで対応させていただいております。なるべく皆様のご希望に沿うように心掛けております。 お気軽にご相談ください。
Adults 大人クラス:
Adult students at Imagine enjoy the same educational entertainment in their classes, while learning how to fully utilize the English they learned in school and expanding into ever more natural communication.